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Protect American Sovereignty Rally

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  • Protect American Sovereignty Rally


    Sacramento, State Capitol Building, West Side Steps
    Monday, January 14, 2008, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.

    Eagle Forum of California
    Protect American Sovereignty Rally
    Sponsored by Eagle Forum of California

    Sacramento, State Capitol Building, West Side Steps
    Monday, January 14, 2008, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.
    RSVP Mary at 707-544-9662 or [email protected]

    Please join us as we stand together to protect the sovereignty of our nation against the many influences that are seeking to destroy it: our porous, unprotected borders; the influx of millions of illegal immigrants; multi-culturalism that is dividing us and destroying our Judeo-Christian culture and traditions; the NAFTA Super Highways that are planned to crisscross our nation; the immense eminent domain taking that will be involved; the attack on private property rights; the attack on our Republic and representative government through the Security and Prosperity Partnership and the movement to establish a North American Union between the United States, Canada, and Mexico with no Congressional oversight.

    Other Groups Who Will Be Represented: Changing World Views Talk Radio with Sharon Hughes, Concerned Women of America, California Coalition of Immigration Reform Golden Gate Minutemen, Redwood Coalition for Immigration Control, Castro Valley Coalition for Immigration Control, Save our State, The John Birch Society, Capitol Resource Institute, Pacific Justice Institute, California Republican Assembly Sacramento Chapter, Sacramento Eagle Forum, Sonoma County Eagle Forum, Long Beach Chapter of Eagle Forum, Teen Eagles of California.(If your group would also like to be a part of our rally please contact Eagle Forum at the number above.)

    What to Bring:Lots of American flags and any protest signs you would like to bring with such suggested slogans as: SECURE OUR BORDERS, PROTECT USA. PROTECT AMERICAN SOVEREIGNTY, PROTECT AMERICAN HERITAGE, NO NAU, NO SPP, We HAFTA Repeal NAFTA, STOP NORTH AMERICAN INTEGRATION, Protect the US Constitution. We will also have extra signs available and buttons for you to wear.

    Our Purpose: We are trying to let the California legislators wake up to the fact that our borders, our nation’s sovereignty, our Constitution, our American Judeo-Christian heritage and way of life are being seriously threatened. We would like them to sign a Resolution demanding border protection, opposing the SPP, NAFTA, the Super Highways, and the movement towards a NAU as 17 other state legislatures have already done. There are three states where both houses have signed the resolution: Idaho, Montana, and Oklahoma.

    Please help us spread the word by passing this flyer on to others. We are hoping for a large turnout to let our elected officials know how strongly we feel on the above issues. You can download this flyer here

    Orlean Koehle, State President
    Eagle Forum of California

    "For God, Family, and Country"

    After the rally the following resolution will be presented to the state legislature.

    This resolution:
    Urges the United States to withdraw from the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America and any other bilateral or multilateral activity which seeks to create a North American Union.

    Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of California:

    WHEREAS, President George W. Bush established the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) of North America with the nations of Mexico and Canada on March 23, 2005;

    WHEREAS, the gradual creation of such a North American Union from a merger of the United States, Mexico, and Canada would be a direct threat to the United States Constitution and the national independence of the United States and would imply an eventual end to national borders within North America;

    WHEREAS, on March 31, 2006, a White House news release confirmed the continuing existence of the SPP and its “ongoing process of cooperation”;

    WHEREAS, Congressman Ron Paul has written that a key to the SPP plan is an extensive new North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) superhighway: “[U]nder this new ‘partnership,’ a massive highway is being planned to stretch from Canada into Mexico, through the state of Texas.”;

    WHEREAS, this trilateral partnership to develop a North American Union has never been presented to Congress as an agreement or treaty, and has had virtually no congressional oversight; and

    WHEREAS, state and local governments throughout the United States would be

    negatively impacted by the SPP and North American Union process, such as the “open borders” vision of the SPP, eminent domain takings of private property along the planned superhighways, and increased law enforcement problems along those same superhighways:

    WHEREAS, nineteen other state legislatures have passed in at least one house similar resolutions against the SPP, against a superhighway, and against any movement towards an NAU, and three states have passed such a resolution in both houses (Idaho, Montana, and Oklahoma.)

    NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of California urges the United States Congress, and California’s congressional delegation, to use all of their efforts, energies, and diligence to withdraw the United States from any further participation in the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America.

    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislature urges Congress to withdraw the United States from any other bilateral or multilateral activity, however named, which seeks to advance, authorize, fund, or in any way promote the creation of any structure to accomplish any form of North American Union as described in this resolution.

    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Majority Leader of the United States Senate, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, and to the members of California’s congressional delegation.

    Dated this ______ of January, 2008 in Sacramento, California.

    Download a printable version of this resolution


    Who we are and what we stand for:
    EagleForum is a non-partisan, non-sectarian organization of men and women who believe in God, family, and country. We are dedicated to preserving the political, economic, moral, and social principles upon which our nation was founded.

    Eagle Forum was started in 1970 by Phyllis Schlafly who has been leading the pro family charge ever since. She is still going strong as a syndicated columnist, radio talk show host, author, and popular speaker. Please check her national web site at
    Eagle Forum's Mission is to enable conservative and pro family men and women to participate in the process of self-government and public policy making so that America will continue to be a land that values individual liberty, respect for family integrity, public and private virtue, and private enterprise.

    You too can fly with the Eagles!

    If you like what you see on our web site, we urge you to join with us at our various chapter meetings listed at the left. If there is not one in your area, perhaps you would like to start one.

    We would be happy to provide you the information you need.

    Contact us for information.

    Membership costs $35.00 per year and also includes the monthly Phyllis Schlafly report and a quarterly California newsletter. For an extra $25 you may receive the excellent Education Reporter which gives you a monthly update on what is going on in US education across the nation.
    "Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life".
    -John F. Kennedy