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State Supreme Court: Illegal Aliens Good, Americans From Texas, BAD

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  • State Supreme Court: Illegal Aliens Good, Americans From Texas, BAD

    The California Supreme Court has made it clear--criminals from other nations are to be protected while honest Americans from others States must be harmed.

    "Illegal aliens may pay in-state tuition to attend California’s public universities rather than the much higher rates charged non-residents, the state Supreme Court says in a ruling Monday.

    “Because the exemption is given to all who have attended high school in California for at least three years (and meet the other requirements), and not all who have done so qualify as California residents for purposes of in-state tuition, and further because not all unlawful aliens who would qualify as residents but for their unlawful status are eligible for the exemption, we conclude the exemption is not based on residence in California,” the state’s highest court says."

    Whether a criminal is here for a month or twenty years, they are still a criminal. To the California Supreme Court illegal aliens are good and honest people are bad. This is why I voted NO on the re-election of all the Supreme Court Justices--none of them are honest.
