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Prop. 22 & 26: New Rules Shrink Budget Options

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  • Prop. 22 & 26: New Rules Shrink Budget Options

    The people of California do not trust Sacramento with money.

    We voted NO on Prop. 21--that would have raised the vehicle tax.

    We voted NO on Pro. 22--that stopped the State from stealing redevelopment money from the cities.

    We voted YES on Prop. 26--forcing the legislature to pass taxes AND fees by a 2/3 vote. And cities and counties can not pass increased fees or taxes without a 2/3 vote of the people.

    "The immediate result of propositions 22 and 26 is that the general fund will lose a billion dollars that would have been used to pay off transportation bond debt, the Legislative Analyst's Office reports. That's on top of this year's projected budget shortfall of $18 billion. Last year's deficit was $19 billion."

    This election already saved the families of California $1 billion!! That is good news--and less money for the Democrats to spend.
