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Whitman: Arnold signed too many bills

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  • Whitman: Arnold signed too many bills

    Meg Whitman got it right.

    "A day after sharing a stage, Meg Whitman Wednesday night took a swipe at the man she wants to replace, faulting Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger for signing superfluous bills that have boosted spending for bankrupt California.

    “The legislature has become a bill factory. Last year, the governor signed into law nearly 700 bills … some of them were [about the] length of how long cow tails should be, regulating tattoo parlors, renaming highways for disgraced politicians,” the Whitman said during an appearance on Fox News’ “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren.” “All those bills, guess what they come with? Spending.”

    Gray Davis was a bad, out of control spending governor.

    Arnold, the ego driven amateur thought what a wonder idea to spend other people's money. Whitman said, “Gov. Schwarzenegger was an actor and an investor, but that is very different from than being an operating executive who is accountable for results every single day.”

    Thanks to Arnold we are about to fiscally collapse as a State.
