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Boxer?s Bailout Outsources Jobs

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  • Boxer?s Bailout Outsources Jobs

    Barbara Boxer, the major supporter of NAFTA loves jobs--in other nations.

    To create jobs in the United States corporations need money to be in this nation. Boxer has decided to limit the money supply to American corporations. Here is how she is doing this.

    "But by voting for HR1586, the State Bail Out Bill, it is apparently Barbara Boxer who is exporting jobs out of the state in an effort to bailout California and get re-elected.

    Frank Aquila of Bloomberg News reports that HR1586, containing $26.1 billion in bailouts to bankrupt states like California, severely limits the use of foreign income tax credits by U.S. companies that operate overseas. Thus, due to punitive tax policies American companies are keeping and investing profits overseas rather than repatriating the profits back home as intended. Aquila estimates that there are upward to $1 trillion in profits that are not being repatriated back to the U.S."

    In the midst of a Depression, Boxer is limiting profits coming back to this nation. Thus, forcing firms to borrow money or not to grow new jobs.

    Boxer is either an economic illiterate, like most Democrats or she really believes in a global economy--and has to lower our standard of living to get her dream--America to be equal to Third World nations.
