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Arnold Owes Feds $8.4 Billion, plus Interest for Unemployment Checks

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  • Arnold Owes Feds $8.4 Billion, plus Interest for Unemployment Checks

    Thank you Arnold. You truly have been the "Terminator" Governor. Deficits, debt, unemployment, failed schools, job and revenue killer policies. No one could believe than even an ego driven amateur could bring this much pain in seven years on the once Golden State Thanks to you it is now the Tarnished State.

    The mainstream media has "forgotten to mention the almost $10 billion in borrowing from the Feds, just to continue giving checks to our unemployed.

    "California has borrowed $8.4 billion from the federal government to pay unemployment insurance benefits and, just like any charge account, a big interest payment will be due next year, possibly as high as $500 million.

    It could be a major challenge for the state's stretched fiscal coffers because the money cannot be repaid from the unemployment insurance trust fund. Under federal law, the money will have to come from the general fund or some other source."

    So, add $500 million to the $9.5 billion deficit budget negotiated by Arnold. Where do we get that money from? Oh, we beg the bankrupt Feds not to pay.

    This is a scandal and the Times, Chron and Bee has missed this story. Oh, well, what is another $500 million to Arnold and his Democrat friends?
