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San Diego Refuses to Act on Economic Problems--Till After Election

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  • San Diego Refuses to Act on Economic Problems--Till After Election

    San Diego is about to go belly up. But that has not stopped the Mayor, an Arnold type Republican, to decide to wait till after the election to act. Of course, he could then decide to wait till Christmas, the Super Bowl or Easter to act.

    "After city of San Diego firefighters took more than nine minutes to arrive when 2-year-old Bentley Do choked to death on a gumball in July, city leaders talked big about ending the budget cuts that led to the Fire Department's slow response.

    Do it now, they said.

    Two months later, the cuts remain. But money exists to restore them temporarily. City politicians point fingers at each other or say they only want a long-term solution. Even the head of the firefighters union now is against an immediate restoration of the cuts if it's only temporary."

    Sanders does not want to use the money available to save lives. Who says elected officials have common sense or compassion. Where is the rest of the city council? Why aren't the families and business owners screaming?

    This is sick--having the money to save lives and not doing it. This goes beyond corruption, it is murder by government.
