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State not doing enough to collect billions in unpaid taxes

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  • State not doing enough to collect billions in unpaid taxes

    Should we raise taxes or cut spending? Maybe what we should do is collect the legitimate taxes that have already been levied by government.

    "California’s fiscal crisis doesn't just exist in Sacramento. Its effects reach nearly every Californian in every corner of the state in the form of dilapidated schools, shuttered parks, and diminished public safety services. Yet so far the only budget solutions debated under the Capitol dome ask Californians to pay more or get by with even less in the services they count on. Curiously, no one seems to be talking about the one solution that would bring $6.5 billion into the states coffers without taking a penny from our schools, without issuing a single pink slip, and without hiking taxes by a single nickel.

    By collecting the $6.5 billion in unpaid taxes, a sum the Franchise Tax Board estimates California leaves on the table each year, California could raise enough money to wipe out a third of the current shortfall. This year, the money lost to tax cheats would pay the states entire share of expenses for the University of California and the California State University systems. Collecting this money doesn't require raising tax rates, wiping out entire social programs or cutting back on teachers, students and schools."

    Government is so incompetent; it is unable to even collect the taxes.
