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San Fran Allows Labor Law Violations in Chinese Restaurants?

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  • San Fran Allows Labor Law Violations in Chinese Restaurants?

    San Fran loves high taxes, silly regulations and policies that kill jobs. The deficit of San Fran is approaching half a billion dollars.

    Still, basic laws, like labor laws, escapes the DA and her efforts to protect illegal aliens seems to be more important than the protection of honest citizens.

    What is the problem? "The report, titled "Check, Please!," by the immigrant-rights group Chinese Progressive Association, claims that Chinatown restaurant workers are underpaid and overworked. It found that 50 percent or more of workers earn below minimum wage, have experienced burn injury on the job or do not have health insurance from their employers.

    Eighty percent of workers surveyed reported unpaid overtime, 30 percent reported their wages being withheld and 15 percent reported their pay being delayed.

    The San Francisco Department of Public Health, UC Berkeley and UCSF aided in the research, which included interviews with 433 workers and surveys of 106 restaurants in Chinatown. The report calls for stronger enforcement of labor laws, such as minimum wage and sick-leave policies, and investment in Chinatown's economic development."

    If any of this is true, where is the DA and the various agencies to protect the workers? Why doesn't government investigate and enforce the regulations? San Fran does more for illegal aliens than it does for Chinese-American workers. That is sick. That is bigotry and racism--in San Fran!
