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NEW DHS Memo Discussing Back-Door Amnesty Uncovered

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  • NEW DHS Memo Discussing Back-Door Amnesty Uncovered

    Obama, the law breaking "constitutional" professor loves to be The Chosen One. As such he can make any law he wants, without consequences.

    NO constitution or Congressional passed law, signed by a previous President, will stop him from creating millions of new "citizens" from criminals.

    "Yesterday American Spectator got a hold of a memo from the Department of Homeland Security that reached the desk of Secretary Janet Napolitano that is similar to the USCIS memo except that it pays more attention to the political ramifications. '

    The idea is that the first phase of a program to legalize illegal immigrants could be implemented by DHS even in the absence of "comprehensive immigration reform." Or, as the memo puts it, by "using administrative measures to sidestep the current state of Congressional gridlock and inertia."

    The memo emphasizes registering, fingerprinting, and screening the illegal immigrant population ("excluding individuals who pose a security risk") but the administrative processes envisioned involve giving eligible illegal immigrants work permits and an interim process to "legalize those who qualify and intend to stay here." The memo does acknowledge Congress would have to act to extend permanent lawful residence."

    Will the Republicans force a Committee hearing in Congress next January about the law breaking President? Very clearly he can not get the legalization of millions of illegal aliens, so he will do it by Executive Order.

    Watch the white House, it might be the best friend of criminals since the Daley machine. Oh, Barack comes from Chicago of the Daley machine.
