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National Political News and Views 9/2/10

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  • National Political News and Views 9/2/10

    NEW: Periodically I will provide a daily NATIONAL version of the California Political News and Views. These articles will have national impact or information--yet affect everybody in California as well as Nebraska, Texas, Maine and other States where folks read the CPNV every day. If you like this idea please let me know--and then forward it to your friends in other States. Ask them to subscribe as well. Steve Frank1. Desperate Greens Make Desperate Claims,by Steven Milloy, Human Events, 09/01/2010 Those suffering from the deadly AGS disease (Al Gore Syndrome) are going crazy. "Then there was the recent Environmental Defense Fund claim that global warming is going to wreck Mexican agriculture and increase illegal immigration by almost 7 million by 2070."

    Paul Ehrlich claimed in 1960 that by 1975 famine will hit all nations--he lied. Rachel Carson claimed in "The Silent Spring" mankind was killing Planet Earth--she lied.

    I would suggest that these radical reports should be given by Jerry Seinfeld--he needs good jokes.

    2. Hostage taker James Lee influenced by Al Gore film, Jim Kouri, Washington Examiner, 9/1/10 Did Al Gore kill James Lee/ No, Lee was responsible for what he did. Still, Gore must take some responsibility; he is bright and claims special knowledge. Maybe if Gore allowed debate, admitted he lied about the science and is just as greedy as Bernie Madoff, Lee would not have believe this modern day P.T. Barnum

    3. Lawmakers frustrated by Internet "kill switch" reports, By Gautham Nagesh, The Hill, 09/01/10

    The President believes he has the power shut down the Internet. Barack also has ownership of finance companies, auto makers and controls health care death panels.

    Barack is the all powerful "Chosen One". The Internet has been reporting on his radicalism, lack of values, vacations, terrible appointments--he needs to close down the Internet, to save himself.

    4. Obama Labor Board Could Overturn Secret Ballot Case, By Kevin Mooney, American Spectator, 9/1/10

    Barack Obama does not believe in honest elections. Remember, he supported the bullies with bats trying to stop voters in Philadelphia. Now he is using his agencies to stop workers from being allowed a secret ballot, thus forcing them to pay bribes to unions in order to work. These are the actions of a totalitarian; did you expect clean elections from Obama? Remember he is from the Chicago school of politics.

    5. Gov. candidates in 20 states endorse anti-immigration laws, Politico, 9/1/10 While President Obama is trying hard to bring in more criminals from Mexico, candidates for governor in 20 States demand illegal aliens be shipped home. Folks are losing jobs and homes, while government promotes these criminals and continue to provide "free" schools, housing, and health care AND job protection. This could lose 5-7 more congressional seats and a couple of State houses---thank you Barack.
