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Roadmap to Put Brakes On ObamaCare

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  • Roadmap to Put Brakes On ObamaCare

    ObamaCare is expensive. ObamaCare is deadly. ObamaCare is Medicine run by a totalitarian State.

    The question is not whether it should be repealed, but how do we do it. Our lives depend on doing this.

    1. Defund it

    "House Republican Leader John Boehner of Ohio has vowed to choke off funding for implementation of the legislation, starting with parts that are especially egregious such as the "army of new IRS agents" needed to police compliance.
    * While Republicans could target the most damaging provisions of the legislation and tie their defunding measures to appropriations legislation that the president wants and needs to sign, they'd better be ready for battles."

    2. Dismantle it.

    "For example, Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad (D., N.D.) has said that the new federal program to fund long-term care -- the Community Living Assistance Services and Supports Act, or CLASS Act -- is "a Ponzi scheme of the first order, the kind of thing that Bernie Madoff would have been proud of."

    3. Delay it

    "Republicans can also vote to postpone cuts to the popular Medicare Advantage program, postpone mandates requiring that individuals and businesses purchase and provide health insurance, and delay imposition of the $500 billion in taxes required by the law."

    Unlike other political issues, this IS a matter of life and death (remember Dr. Berwick-Kevorkian will control procedures and drugs)
