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Heritage: Restoring the U.S. to a Free Economy

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  • Heritage: Restoring the U.S. to a Free Economy

    The Federal government, if truth be told, is in total control of the auto, financial, energy and transportation industries. It can stop fishing or drilling on a moments notice, without rhyme or reason--or law.

    If they want $20 billion from a company, say BP, all they have to do is tell them give it "voluntarily" or we will close you down. It is as if Al Capone was running our nation.

    Free? "In 2010, for the first time ever, the United States has fallen from the ranks of the economically free as measured by the Index of Economic Freedom, published annually by The Heritage Foundation and The Wall Street Journal, falling below the cutoff that earns countries the right to call themselves free. The status of the United States today? Mostly free. The reason? Notable decreases in financial freedom, monetary freedom, and property rights. The U.S. scores particularly badly in areas where the government has taken too large and intrusive a role. This decline must be reversed."

    For example, " * Fiscal Freedom. U.S. personal and corporate marginal income tax rates are higher than the world averages of 29% (personal) and 25% (corporate). The overall U.S. tax burden (28.3% of GDP in 2008) is also considerably higher than the world average of 23.2%.

    * Government Spending. In the past two years, spending has exploded, reaching 24.7% of GDP in 2009 and estimated to grow further to 25.4% in 2010. The growth of the federal budget deficit has been even more explosive, adding about $1 trillion to the national debt in 2009 and again in 2010.

    * Financial Freedom. Since 2008, the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) and similar programs have bailed out a wide variety of financial firms. These bailouts include government attempts to micromanage businesses on the theory that since they have accepted U.S. taxpayers dollars, they must respond to political control from Washington."

    Socialism is the government owning the means of production.

    Fascism is the government CONTROLLING the means of production.

    The United States is no longer free. Just because you can still eat at the restaurant of your choice, does not mean you will always have THIS freedom--just listen to Michelle Obama.

    Regime change in November, or else.
