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UC (taxpayers) still funds pro-union think tank

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  • UC (taxpayers) still funds pro-union think tank

    Your tax dollars are being used against your best interests..

    "This is an institute created by the legislature for the purposes of labor advocacy and training programs, UC VP Lenz wrote in a Sept. 25, 2008 e-mail obtained through a public records request. The unions benefit from by these programs and use them against the UC in their collective bargaining negotiations and advocacy efforts with the legislature. Id find it cruel and unusual punishment if we get stuck funding these Institutes in the future out of the UC budget at a time when the state is cutting our funding, but pressuring us to give more at the collective bargaining table.

    Worse, the unions have created a corruption zone on government campuses. Here are some of its "studies":

    In fact, the research the labor programs engage in reads more like labor union advocacy. Here are the titles of recent publications put out by UCLAs labor center:

    * Miguel Contreras: Legacy of a Labor Leader
    * Womens Work: Los Angeles Homecare Workers Revitalize the Labor Movement
    * Sweatshop Slaves: Asian Americans in the Garment Industry
    * Voices for Justice: Asian Pacific American Organizers and the New Labor Movement
    * Voices from the Front Lines: Organizing Immigrant Workers in Los Angeles

    They are using tax dollars to exploit illegal aliens and force them to pay bribes

    This is NOT about "immigrants", it is about criminals. Wonder why government is bankrupt--it uses our tax dollars to steal from honest people and exploit criminals.
