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SB 375, AB 32 Companion Soon to Make CA into NY

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  • SB 375, AB 32 Companion Soon to Make CA into NY

    Do you want to live in a population dense community, like New York?

    Want to be forced to use government transportation to go to work, visit relatives, go to the mountains or the beach? SB 375 will give this to you.

    SB 375, passed in 2008 was the companion to AB 32, passed in 2006. What will it do?

    "California may take on a mass transit-centric, almost European, look in the future, now that the California Air Resources Board is about to adopt recommendations in SB 375, a 2008 law that dramatically reshapes how land use decisions are made.

    CARB’s staff has issued a report that proposes targets to “guide” planning that will be more regional in nature and centered around mixed use developments along rail or express bus corridors.

    It’s the first major milestone in implementing SB 375, authored by state Sen. Darrell Steinberg, D-Sacramento and signed by Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger."

    Worse, Sacramento will starve the communities that did not meet the artificial goals. "Once the targets are finalized, cities within each planning region will be required to work together with their regional planning agency on developing a so-called “Sustainable Community Strategy” that outlines where growth and development will occur, and how the transportation system can support that growth, so that the region’s pollution reduction targets can be achieved. Cities and municipalities retain full local decision making and zoning authority, CARB says.

    Regions that meet the targets will receive incentives in the form of easier access to federal funding and streamlined environmental review for development projects."

    After all these words, what does it mean? ALL zoning decisions will have to go through the State of California NOT your city council. Build a housing project and the State will make the final decision.

    Even worse, the people in Sacramento making the zoning decision in Chico or Tustin will be unelected folks--bureaucrats. Doesn’t this sound like a totalitarian State?
