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Governor says state workers must share economic pain

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  • Governor says state workers must share economic pain

    In the past six years the grand total, when everything is included, Arnold has run up a tab (deficit) of $140 billion. Now after assuring the State of a long term depression, he wants to make State employees feel the pain as well.

    "The lame-duck Republican governor, in comments this week to a gathering of the Central California Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in Fresno, offered an unusually detailed view of the impact on state workers of his budgeting proposals. His statement came in response to a question from a member of the audience, who asked, “Why do state workers have to bear the burden of fiscal mismanagement?”

    The governor said the three-days-per month furloughs and pay cuts are no more onerous than the pain already felt by workers in the private sector."

    But what he left out is that due to high taxes, AB 32 and SB 375, illegal aliens and union ownership of government, is the cause of the pain. It is government that has created much of the pain.

    Instead of furloughs, how about fixing the problems? Repeal the job killers, end the union monopolies, enforce the Federal immigration laws, cut the taxes, and maybe in a few years we can again become the Golden State. Otherwise the tarnish of the Davis/Arnold years will get worse?
