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California: 20 Years of Government "Self Esteem"?

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  • California: 20 Years of Government "Self Esteem"?

    Twenty years ago the Legislature created the California Task Force to Promote Self-esteem and Personal and Social Responsibility.

    "In a November 28, 1990 letter to incoming legislators, Vasconcellos described self-esteem, as a social vaccine against dysfunction. It also provides us a vision for developing our human capital to make America competitive again, and is the key to community, especially to realizing our promise as a multicultural democracy. The benefits would be virtually limitless.

    Self esteem is the best budget balancer, by far, wrote Vasconcellos, serving both to increase productivity and taxes, and to reduce human needs for public support and services. The letter was co-signed by assemblyman Pat Nolan, a Glendale Republican."

    The only thing missing was the marijuana to be passed around the desks in the Capitol.

    “There is a consequence to this "self-esteem" religion. "In 1990-91 the state faced a budget shortfall of $3.6 billion. Twenty years later the budget deficit has ballooned to $19 billion. So self-esteem did not prove the best budget balancer, by far, as John Vasconcellos claimed. But his vaunted revolution did have negative fallout, most apparent in education, where it became the dominant theory.

    As John Leo of U.S. News and World Report noted, the self-esteem evangelist was on a collision course with the growing movement to revive the schools academically. Further, to keep children feeling good about themselves, you must avoid all criticism and almost any challenge that could conceivably end in failure.”

    Our education system has dissolved into a mass of failure, peer to peer counseling and feel good programs.

    Thought you should know how it all began.
