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State switch to U.S. school standards debated: CA standards a failure

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  • State switch to U.S. school standards debated: CA standards a failure

    We all know that government education is, on the whole a failure. As Education Week notes, California has a 40% drop out rate--a failure anybody can see--and the largest district in the State, LAUSD, has a 60% drop out rate.

    Now, those in charge lie to us about our classrooms.

    "California typically lands at or near the bottom in virtually every measure of public school performance nationally, but the academic content taught to the state's schoolchildren is second to none, according to a study released Tuesday. That status has left the Golden State with a conundrum. To be more competitive for federal Race to the Top funds, the state must adopt common standards in English, math and other subjects to be in sync with most other states."

    If we have "academic content taught to the state's schoolchildren is second to none", then why does "California typically lands at or near the bottom in virtually every measure of public school performance nationally"?

    We do not have the best academic content; we have the worst--just look at the results.

    Professional educators may sound good, but read their words and they sound like a street hustler--you can not fail ate everything, but have the best content. If that is true, the reason for failure is clear---we have terrible teachers--that is the only conclusion that can be reached. Of course, we already know that the teachers are being blackmailed by the unions--either pay "dues" or you are not allowed to work.

    That is the real quality of the teachers. Many are great, mean well, but at the bottom, they are owned by folks demanding bribes.
