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Crazy San Fran to Ban Sale of Pets? Tonight?

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  • Crazy San Fran to Ban Sale of Pets? Tonight?

    San Francisco is crazy. High taxes, few drug arrests, illegal aliens get tax paid for attorneys to fight the Feds, illegal alien drug dealers smuggled out of the county by the city government--this is a crazy place.

    Now, we might see tonight the sale of dogs and cats made illegal in San Fran. This in a town that protects foreign born criminals and taxes people out of their jobs.

    "That includes dogs, cats, hamsters, mice, rats, chinchillas, guinea pigs, birds, snakes, lizards and nearly every other critter, or, as the commission calls them, companion animals.

    "People buy small animals all the time as an impulse buy, don't know what they're getting into, and the animals end up at the shelter and often are euthanized," said commission Chairwoman Sally Stephens. "That's what we'd like to stop."

    San Francisco residents who want a pet would have to go to another city, adopt one from a shelter or rescue group, or find one through the classifieds."

    This is really about killing jobs. "It's terrible. A pet store that can't sell pets? It's ridiculous," said John Chan, manager of Pet Central on Broadway, which has been in business 30 years. "We'd have to close."
    'Terrible for our business'"

    Hundreds of people will lose their jobs. Sales tax revenues and business tax revenues will go down.

    You can still get a dog,cat or parrot--just have to go to another city. These folks need to stop smoking funny cigarettes (as Jagger called marijuana in "Satisfaction"), start taking their meds and leave government to the adults.

    Why is California going to have a generation of a Depression? San Fran and its thinking is killing the economy--and common sense.
