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Arnold: Only Rich Should be Allowed to have Eggs

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  • Arnold: Only Rich Should be Allowed to have Eggs

    Arnold is almost a billionaire--he can afford anything he wants.

    The voters of California agreed to close down (that is the affect of the ballot measure) all egg producing farms in the State. Once implemented on 1/1/15--the cost of producing eggs in California will sky rocket. The Egg industry is looking to leave the State or go out of business.

    Then the only eggs to be had in the State will come from other States. Arnold really wants to be President--so he signed a bill to change the chicken laws in the 49 other States--either abide by our job and industry killing regulations, raise the cost of eggs by at least 100%, or you can not sell in California.

    Looks like California IHOPS will close in 4.5 years. In 2015 if you want an affordable omelet, go to Arizona.

    The voters did the dirty work of the government. The voters killed the restaurant industry in California--starting January 1, 2015. Then the very rich will eat their eggs like they eat their caviar and laugh at the rest of us peasants. Thank you Arnold--six months and counting.
