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Drug $$ to Rival Union and Special Interest $$ in Elections

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  • Drug $$ to Rival Union and Special Interest $$ in Elections

    Richard Lee is the owner of a "university" that teaches how to grow marijuana and how to market it.

    Now Lee wants to make it legal. "For his part, Lee agrees, though he doesn't embrace being "The Man."

    "When we started the campaign, we did want to make this a legitimate political issue and I think we've succeeded already, win or lose," he said.

    He and his measure's supporters have done so by framing it not just as drug legalization but as an issue of civil rights, by claiming hypocrisy in the legality and rampant advertising of alcohol; by arguing that a booming, legal cannabis industry could create much-needed jobs; and by touting public policy benefits, in that law enforcement costs would plummet while local governments could reap a windfall of new tax revenue.

    But they'd not have had the forum to make these arguments in earnest had Lee not shelled $1.4 million of his own money to put the measure on November's ballot."

    So, the ballot measure to legalize drugs is being spent by one man who wants to be the Bill Gates of the druggie set. Thought you should know who was paying for it.

    This is the America way, as if Al Capone had financed the Roosevelt campaign to make more money--maybe this is why Joseph Kennedy supported and helped finance the FDR 1932 election--to make more money, legally, and to start a political dynasty.

    Is Richard Lee more like Capone or Kennedy?
