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66% of Voters Are Angry At The Media

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  • 66% of Voters Are Angry At The Media

    Americans are not dumb, as Pelosi, Reid and Obama wish they were.

    "But voters have consistently said in surveys that they believe the national media has a liberal bias and that most reporters try to help the candidates they want to win. Just before Election Day 2008, 51% said most reporters were trying to help Barack Obama win the presidency. Just seven percent (7%) thought they were trying to help John McCain, while 31% viewed their coverage as unbiased.

    Now 48% of voters think most reporters when they write or talk about President Obama are trying to help the president pass his agenda. Only 18% think most reporters are trying to block the president from passing his agenda. Twenty-seven percent (27%) say they are simply interested in reporting the news in an unbiased manner."

    We understand when the LA Times is reprinting a press release from Boxer, or Arnold. We know white House propaganda when the NY Times lies about the liar in chief, Barack. (He told us if Obamacare passed we could keep our current doctors and health care insurance--now we know, for sure, he lied--and he knew it)

    do people believe reporters are honest in covering elections--of course not. "Fifty-four percent (54%) of voters think most reporters would hide any information they uncovered that might hurt a candidate they wanted to win, up seven points from November 2008. Twenty-eight percent (28%) say most reporters would not hide damaging information to help the candidate they preferred. Eighteen percent (18%) are not sure."

    This is why folks believe Jon Stewart, Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh more than they believe the LA or NY Times, the SF Chronicle or the press release king, the Sacramento Bee.

    To paraphrase a TV show, "The people are smarter than the average fringe newspaper or CNN, CBS, NBC or ABC reporter and anchor person." The fringe media is as useful today as a buggy whip.
