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Corrupt Democrat Assemblywoman Caught, no surprise

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  • Corrupt Democrat Assemblywoman Caught, no surprise

    How does political corruption work? Ask a Democrat.

    "The series of e-mails and text messages about campaign literature, robo-calls, endorsements and campaign signs show that Galgiani's local spokesman, Robin Adam -- formerly chief of staff for Congressman Dennis Cardoza, D-Merced, when he was in the Assembly -- may have worked on campaign material for former Merced Mayor Ellie Wooten while on the state payroll.

    The e-mails, coupled with allegations in a lawsuit filed in May against the state Assembly, Galgiani and Adam, seem to paint a picture showing that Adam worked on a series of other campaigns in 2007 while on the state payroll and that Galgiani was privy to his actions."

    Your money went to the election campaigns of corrupt Democrats.

    Isn't it time to throw them all out? Looks like even the nice one's, like Cardoza--who speaks like a conservative in his district, then votes like an Obama Leftist in Washington--is involved in corruption, open and clear.

    Remember in November
