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Obama's Socialist Revolution is Working

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  • Obama's Socialist Revolution is Working

    After years of Roosevelt, Johnson, Carter, Clinton and now Obama, we are officially a socialist nation. Of course, some Republicans helped the process along as well.

    "In 17 short months we can see that President Obama is getting what he foresaw, way back in 1996 when he ran for Illinois State Senate as part of the Marxist New Party, a total change in the American way of life." How bad is it? "An analysis by USA Today, using US Government figures, show that private business contributes the smallest share of personal income ever in the history of the US, parallel to that is the fact that government-provided benefits, E.G.,Social Security, unemployment insurance, food stamps and other programs rose to a record high during first quarter of 2010."

    The United States has 47% of its population NOT paying Federal income tax--so they lose nothing by more government spending and debt. In fact, proudly, the U.S. now has a $13 TRILLION deficit--trillions in the past year from Obama--and trillions more to be added in the next three years.

    Our debt to GDP ratio is now 90%!

    The revolution has been won by the socialists--will we turn our nation back to freedom? It is up to you--remember in November.
