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Newspaper: California budget: A question of values

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  • Newspaper: California budget: A question of values

    California is education hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens, yet we do not have enough money for quality education for honest people. Yes, it is a question of values. Should we teach our children that violating the law is OK, if you have good intentions?

    In Los Angeles the AVERAGE wait at one of the government health centers is 35 HOURS. More than half of those getting medical attention are illegal aliens. It is a matter of values when government takes your tax dollars and uses them for known criminals.

    It is a matter of values--and in California we steal from the poor and middle class to give to criminals. That is some value--yet another newspaper believes it is OK--just take more money from honest people to pay for those who abuse Americans.

    Shame on us for allowing this. Glad to see Arizona has had enough. California has more than enough money, without new taxes, if we enforced the immigration laws. This is why government should not be given another dime--it steals from good people and gives to sneaky ones.
