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Obama White House helps ACORN defend socialism ? in India!

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  • Obama White House helps ACORN defend socialism ? in India!

    President Obama is not satisfied in turning the United States into a failed Europe--now he is working on stopping the economic progress of India.

    "While the Obama administration runs away from ACORN here in the United States it is quietly embracing ACORN overseas.

    The Obama administration is using U.S. government resources to help the embattled radical advocacy organization spread the gospel of left-wing community organizing in India."

    Since Obama is a leader of the corrupt Chicago political machine, he needed someone as corrupt as Chicago to run the "turn India into a socialist state" effort equally as corrupt. And he found his man.

    "ACORN International is headed by ACORN founder Wade Rathke. Like a modern-day Karl Marx in exile, Rathke is doing his best to spread the wealth all around the globe, spreading social justice and shakedown techniques to the far corners of the globe. He uses the ACORN brand, which has been tarnished in the U.S. after a series of scandals, in his organizing efforts abroad.'

    Yes, Rathke is corrupt. here is an example: "Rathke was booted out of ACORN after he orchestrated an eight-year cover-up of a nearly $1 million embezzlement from the group that his brother Dale Rathke perpetrated around 2000 while a senior ACORN official."

    So, our government apologizes to China for Arizona enforcing Federal law, and the White House uses a corrupt person to turn India into a failed country, using the corrupt ACORN (a former employer of Obama) as the front.

    Sick, sick, sick. All done with our tax dollars
