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African-Americans Conflicted over Arizona's immigrant law

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  • African-Americans Conflicted over Arizona's immigrant law

    Buried deep in this story meant to give support to illegal aliens by the African-=American community, are the facts.

    "The girl at El Pollo Loco got my order wrong because she couldn't hardly speak English. The hotel where we held my son's wedding reception had no blacks on staff, only Mexicans. My daughter may lose her teaching job because of low test scores among the Spanish-speaking kids.

    It's the perception of disrespect that rankles, said Hadley, a retired teacher and social worker, who lived for years in South America as a volunteer building schools in Venezuela's slums. .

    She learned to speak Spanish, she said, "because I wouldn't dare expect them to speak English, in their country, for me.":

    Lost jobs, taken by illegal aliens.

    Illegal aliens refusing to speak English.

    Education, corruption and failure, due to illegal aliens.

    Life is hard enough for the African-American community--and the illegal aliens are the death blow.

    Blacks are really not conflicting; they are victims of illegal aliens. White radical Democrats, along with radical, racist Hispanic politicians, with their friend, "Open Border" Barack, are making sure that black Americans are third class people, after citizens, illegal aliens, then the black community.

    The Democrat Party is still the party of George Wallace, the Party of Bigotry.
