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Obama/Arnold: The Demonization of America

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  • Obama/Arnold: The Demonization of America

    Arnold and our President both love Obamacare, high taxes, oppressive government and government control over families and business.

    To "prove" we need the Nanny State and government control of families and business, both constantly demonize American workers, executives, businesses and industries.

    Obama can not fin an honest white collar worker, and industry that is working in the interest of the people or a family capable of determining what foods to eat.

    Over the years, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has reserved a unique place in his own political purgatory for groups he calls "special interests." The membership list had remained pretty unchanged since 2003.

    That is, until last week. Organized labor, Indian gaming tribes make room for oil companies."

    But, he does love to take campaign contributions from these evil groups.

    These are his words today, ""Greedy oil companies want to roll back that clock," said the governor at an event last week. "They want us to depend on just oil, because they are greedy and they want to have the profits."

    These are his actions in the past, "Browsing through the reams of campaign finance records of his political operation over the last seven years, there's slightly more than $2.95 million in contributions from the oil biz to either Schwarzenegger or to the ballot measure efforts that he's championed. That includes Texas based companies ConocoPhillips ($248,500), ExxonMobil ($120,000), Shell ($200,000), and Tesoro ($10,000). It also includes Denver-based Venoco ($47,300).

    The two largest oil industry backers of Schwarzenegger are based here in California Chevron ($990,800) and Occidental ($824,600)."

    Is he bi-polar, taking money from people he thinks is evil?

    Or is Arnold just another hack political, saying and doing anything that helps him, while harming our State. In six years he has created (he did sign the budgets) over $120 billion in deficits--based on HIS policies, paid for by his donors.

    Enough said. Eight months and counting.
