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Greenlining Institute: California's Version of ACORN

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  • Greenlining Institute: California's Version of ACORN

    The California based "Greenlining Institute" is being investigated. "Now a California congressman wants officials to take a look at how the group has done business and determine whether Greenlining, ACORN and others have used federal laws to engage in what he calls legalized extortion.

    Like ACORN, Jesse Jackson, SEIU, most unions, the Greenlining Institute is in the business of extortion.

    "More recently, Greenlining has turned its resources to the philanthropic community. The effort gained headlines in 2007 when Greenlining got behind AB624, an initiative that would have required the states largest charities to publicize the ethnic makeup of their boards, as well as of the recipients of their grants and business contracts.

    The charities balked, but then agreed to put $30 million into Greenlining-approved communities in return for the withdrawal of AB624. A 2008 Wall Street Journal editorial reported that following the AB624 compromise, Greenlining shopped similar legislation in other states: That shakedown worked so well that Greenlining is taking its race-gambit national, the Journal said.

    Bert Ely, a banking expert in Virginia who regularly testifies before Congress, isn’t afraid to use the term shakedown.

    This is another example of the corruption of the Left--shakedown artists that make everything racial. Huh, that also sounds like Barack.
