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UNICEF Paying For Anti-Semitic Hate Ad

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  • UNICEF Paying For Anti-Semitic Hate Ad

    Want to find the headquarters of terrorism, bigotry, corruption, and anti-Semitism? All you have to do is go to New York and find the United Nations.

    UNICEF is one of the leading organizations supporting terrorism and the murder of Jews in Israel.

    "What most people don't realize is, some UNICEF money funds projects like Palestinian Summer Camps that train kids to be Homicide Bombers, Production of Anti-Semitic literature, it has written materials praising the oppressive north Korean regime. In short those pennies are being used to support terror and hatred.

    Today we have a new example. PMW has discovered an advertisement featuring anti-Semitic imagery bearing the UNICEF logo was placed by an NGO that enjoys the United Nations agency's support. The advertisement was placed by a Palestinian Authority youth organization, PYALARA (Palestinian Youth Association for Leadership and Rights Activation), which is funded by UNICEF. It promotes a TV show created by PYALARA.

    The ad shows an axe destroying a Star of David. The large Star of David that has been destroyed is decorated with stars and stripes, presumably representing the USA, and an additional smaller Star of David - a common theme in anti-Semitic cartoons that imply Jewish control of the US. On the axe that destroys the Star of David is the word "Boycott!" in the imperative tense."

    By definition the United Nations and its UNICEF sub group are hate groups. I thought New York and the United States had laws against such groups. Where is the Southern Poverty organization that hates the Second Amendment and free speech for Americans--why does it allow the UN and UNICEF to operate on US soil?

    End terrorism and anti-Semitism on American soil. Stop UNICEF and send the UN to Yemen. Turn the UN in NY into condos.
