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Democrats Want Foreigners Counted as if They Were Here Legally

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  • Democrats Want Foreigners Counted as if They Were Here Legally

    Democrats love criminals. So much so, they want to count foreigners, who sneak into our country, steal our tax dollars and violate numerous laws.

    "Cedillo emphatically described the critical nature of everyone in California being counted in order for the state to fully realize the benefits of the census, in a safe, secure way that doesn’t place them in peril.

    Cedillo continued saying that this is the first administration since Nixon to simultaneously count people in the census and enforce the immigration laws, making it a conflict and putting undocumented workers in peril of deportation for participating in the census."

    Democrat Senator Cedillo wants law breakers to be comfortable. he does not want them to worry about being caught or sent back.

    Gil Cedillo is a conspirator in the violation of our laws. That should disqualify him from holding office--but to Democrats, promoting criminals is a badge of honor.

    Makes you proud of the Democrat Party, huh?
