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Obama Uses Lobbyists to Lie About Green Jobs

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  • Obama Uses Lobbyists to Lie About Green Jobs

    Saul Alinsky said you do not have to tell the truth. Alinsky believed the power of government could and should be used against the people--with their own money.

    Obama is a good student of Alinsky--as well as the terrorist Ayres, the bigot Wright and the crook Rezko. Obama is a good student and the people of the United States are suffering from this student.

    Obama wants to create "green jobs.”, just like Spain.

    Spain did a study--showed that for every green job, two other jobs were lost. "Back to the tale: Last spring, a university study from Spain roiled Capitol Hill. The study, funded by a free-market think tank with links to the fossil fuel industry, calculated that government subsidies for the wind-power industry killed more jobs than they created, because the subsidies drained money from the (more efficient) private sector."

    Obama, decides to use lobbyists, paid for scientists and corrupt government agencies to respond. Now, with your dollars the truth is turned upside down. "On May 12, 2009, more than a month after the study was released, a group of climate activists scheduled a conference call to discuss how to refute the Spanish researcher's claims. The group included officials from the American Wind Energy Association - a wind industry trade group, known as AWEA, which spent millions of dollars lobbying last year in Washington.

    The call also included researchers from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, a division of the Energy Department, which produces often-highly-technical papers on renewable energy potential and development in the United States, including exhaustive research on renewable energy jobs."

    How does corruption in the Obama administration work? “Energy Department officials say it is common for Laboratory researchers to send draft reports to renewable-energy trade groups for comment before publication, even when those groups have a financial stake in the report's findings, because those groups have unique technical expertise and collect comprehensive data on their industries."

    This is why Obama and government can not be trusted. What do you think? Willing to bet your job on Obama?
