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Ontario Government Upset Airport CAN by Run Without Government

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  • Ontario Government Upset Airport CAN by Run Without Government

    "Ontario City Councilman Alan Wapner has expressed alarm over the possibility of a private operator running LA/Ontario International Airport.

    The Los Angeles City Council recently issued a letter giving its city staff the option of bringing in a private operator to manage LA/ONT."

    Poor Wapner. He drank the union/government Kool Aid. He really believes government is good for you--he also believes the private sector is incompetent.

    This is a man that needs to get an education and see the real world. I bet he believes Social Security is in good shape, that the DMV is really well run and that government education is as good as it gets.

    Alan Wapner is afraid of the private sector. Maybe this is why he lost a race for the GOP nomination for Assembly. Republicans believe in private enterprise--Democrats support the Wapner view of the world.
