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The Green Police Are Coming to California

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  • The Green Police Are Coming to California

    "If you think the Super Bowl commercial depicting The Green Police was a joke, think again. California’s Cap and Trade law, AB 32 will allow fines, fees, and a law enforcement approach against green violators, all while attempting to reduce the states carbon emissions starting in 2012."

    Not only does AB 32 force businesses to leave California, with jobs going to other States, the Gestapo created by AB 32 will chase honest people out of the State as well.

    Unless AB 32 is repealed, by 2020, California will be a Third World Police State. Proud to be a Californian?

    Police State? Government will control the number of children you are allowed to have, "Those real costs will be everything that uses energy from light bulbs, to plastic bags, our cars and pets even the size of a families carbon footprints (limit on number children families will be allowed to have). Trucking companies, utilities, manufacturers and most other businesses will be hit with hefty new taxes when the unrealistic caps on CO2 are imposed and inevitably violated."

    Get angry or get poor.
