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Sacramento to Spare Failed Government Schools?

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  • Sacramento to Spare Failed Government Schools?

    LAUSD has a 50% drop out rate and a very low go to college rate. Instead of fixing the problem, Sacramento is going to continue to finance this corrupt, failed school district.

    Unions are still forcing students into union run schools, holding back the flood of charter school requests--which also means losing tens of thousands of forced union members.

    Arnold does have a plan to control crime ."Under the proposed amendment, no less than 10 percent of California’s money could be allocated to publicly funded schools, and no more than 7 percent could be spent on state prison systems.

    I will submit to you a constitutional amendment so that never again do we spend a greater percentage of our money on prisons than on higher education, said Governor Schwarzenegger in his final State of the State address on Jan. 6."

    So, no matter how many folks commit crimes, schools will get money, while criminals roam our streets for lack of prison funding.

    Funding failed schools, blindly, is a waste. Time for a voter revolt.
