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Poizner Saves State Compensation Fund and Lots of Jobs

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  • Poizner Saves State Compensation Fund and Lots of Jobs

    While the legislature and Governor were willing to harm small businesses and cause the loss of jobs, it took State Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner to sue the bunch of them, to protect the people and jobs of California.

    "But the planned sale of part of the State Fund was tied up in court after California Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner filed a lawsuit contending that a sale could weaken the insurer, raise premiums for thousands of employers and damage an already weak state economy.

    "State Fund was set up in the California Constitution for the sole purpose of supporting the workers' compensation system," Poizner said. "It's not there for the purpose of taking out money."

    While others talk about savings jobs, Poizner has acted. Glad to see an elected official speaking for us, not the unions or special interests.


  • #2
    Is Mr. Poizner one of the candidates for the Republican gubernatorial race?

