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People Harmed Because of Misplaced Government Priorities

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  • People Harmed Because of Misplaced Government Priorities

    The purpose of government, the ONLY purpose, is to protect citizens from enemies foreign and domestic--law enforcement, fire fighting and the military.

    In the case of Los Angeles, people come last after greedy unions, special interests and personal agenda's.

    LA pay hundreds of millions for trains and busses. The city pays for housing vouchers for illegal aliens and promotes criminals who are illegal aliens by protecting them from law enforcement. Phony Tony has lied about the use of money from bonds. Art works are bought by government, and force developers to pay 5% of the cost of a project for "art".

    Thanks to the government of Los Angeles two people have been harmed--thank you for that government!


  • #2
    What ELSE can be expected from a TRAITOR government that puts ILLEGALS AHEAD of CITIZENS and LEGAL residents?!

