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Los Angeles to waste ONE BILLION $$$$

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  • Los Angeles to waste ONE BILLION $$$$

    " We've long known there are better ways to fix blighted neighborhoods than simply pressing "reset" -- that is, letting the government tear down old buildings and put up new ones. But we remain saddled with a system of public housing that keeps looking for ways of, well, pressing reset.

    And now that bad idea is coming to Watts, with an estimated price tag of $1 billion. What we have, then, is not just a bad idea but a really expensive bad idea.

    Here's what we know so far. The Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles -- with the support of the mayor, the City Council and Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Los Angeles) -- plans to tear down the 700-unit Jordan Downs housing project and replace it with a 2,100-unit, mixed-income development"

    Actually, you could give, as the articles notes $1 million to each of the residents and still have a $300 million slush fund for the Mayor, Waters and their cronies!!

    Ever see a successful government housing project? This one could be if they put barbed wire and guard towers (with weapons) around it. All the other LA government projects have become havens for crime and gangs--why believe this will be different? This is a corrupt agency: "Then there's the question of who's overseeing the redevelopment. That would be the Housing Authority, which many residents of Jordan Downs distrust. That's understandable. The agency has for decades treated them -- and taxpayers' money -- with highhanded neglect or worse. In the 1990s, for example, a multimillion-dollar renovation left residents with sewage in their kitchen sinks. In 2004, the agency's top two officials left abruptly -- one after a scandal involving overpayment of subsidies and the other after a federal audit uncovered $1.7 million in overbilling, improper spending and unsubstantiated costs."

    Anything more need to be said?
