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Feds Lie about Enormity of Unemployment Numbers

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  • Feds Lie about Enormity of Unemployment Numbers

    Obama and his Jon Lovitz, Joe Biden, cried on national TV. "If you don't give us the stimulus package unemployment will go over 8%"

    They got the package, we got the deficit, fraud, corruption and the shaft. The unemployment rate is 10.2% and growing. The technical unemployment is, according to the Feds 10.8% and the real unemployment is 17.5%--unemployed, underemployed and those that have given up looking for employment.

    But, now we find out the government knowingly lied. By a factor of 400,000 in ONE month. ". According to BLS, payrolls fell at a 188,000 a month rate over the last three months. But their own household survey says employment fell at a 589,000 a month rate."

    And they know it. "For the last three months they are assuming net birth/deaths have added 18,000 jobs a week. Last year over the same period they assumed it added 17,000 a week, the year before 18,000 a week, and the year before smack in the middle of the economic boom 18,000 a week.

    6. It is obvious what BLS is doing. They are simply plugging in an extrapolated figure with zero adjustment for the most severe labor market contraction in three generations. And, worse yet, they know the birth/death number they are using is pure baloney."

    Obama is playing politics with our lives. Purpose: To take over our lives. Not a single aspect of your life will be free at the end of his four year term. Health care, finances, financial institutions, manufacturing, consumer goods, food, employment and more--all controlled by Washington and the Van Jones, Anita Dunn radicals.

    We are in the midst of giving up our freedoms--and we deserve the consequences--but do our children?


  • #2
    I'm beginning to fear that a CIVIL WAR may end up being the ONLY way to handle these traitors!

