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Sacramento Politicians Try to Protect THEIR Paychecks

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  • Sacramento Politicians Try to Protect THEIR Paychecks

    California is a unique State. We have an independent Commission (not really, the members are appointed by politicians) that sets pay and benefits for legislators. In the last meeting of the Commission they decided to CUT pay and benefits for the 120 members of the legislature.

    At the same time, the legislature agreed to furloughs, layoffs, cutbacks, no pay raises for State workers. So, both sides, labor and management took hits.

    Workers have gone to court, and won give backs on money and the stopping of furloughs in many departments. Now, the legislators are trying to do so the same. "Executives of the Assembly and Senate have asked the state attorney general to determine whether the scheduled 18% pay reduction and additional 18% cuts to living expenses and car allowances are illegal. The lowered benefits are due to kick in next month, while base pay is set to be slashed from $116,000 to $95,000, starting with lawmakers elected starting year."

    If they win, we lose. Not only are they directly responsible for the Depression in California by their policies and votes, they will add to the deficit if they get their pay cuts and benefits back.

    Idea. Earmarks for each district should be cut by the amount of money gained personally by this action. What do you think?
