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Another Obama Radical Forced to Resign

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  • Another Obama Radical Forced to Resign

    The Obama Administration is riddled with tax cheats and radicals. Van Jones was forced to leave--he was a self proclaimed communist.

    Now, Susan Crawford a senior advisor to the President was forced to resign. Why? Because other Administration people thought she was too radical!!

    "But White House sources say that she ran afoul of senior White House economics adviser Larry Summers, who claimed he and other senior Obama officials were unaware of how radical the draft Net Neutrality regulations were when they were initially internally circulated to Obama administration officials several weeks ago. "All of sudden Larry is getting calls from CEOs, Wall Street folks he talks to, Republicans and Democrats, asking him what the Administration is doing with the policies, and he isn't sure what they're talking about," says one White House aide. "He felt blind-sided, and Susan was one of those people who heard about it."

    Her "crime"? Crawford wanted the government to take over the Internet--something the Cubans and Chinese already do--and Hugo Chavez is doing. " She was a strong proponent of Net Neutrality regulations, which would allow the government to regulate the Internet, and in her role sitting on the president's councils on economic policy, she supported strong government interventions and controls of private business." But would you call her a socialist?

    Maybe Glenn Beck will talk about her background. Oh, while she is gone, her policies of the government control of the Internet are moving forward. What else would you expect from President Obama?


  • #2
    They ALL need to GO! This OBOMINATION of OUR country needs to END!

