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LA Times Defends ACORN Corruption/Fraud

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  • LA Times Defends ACORN Corruption/Fraud

    Earlier this week, with very little publicity the LA Times fired 40 more employees. Read the daily Times and it is no thicker than a magazine (the news and information portion).

    This is a newspaper that has lost its credibility. After dozens of convictions, guilty pleas, indictments, Congress stopping all tax dollars going to ACORN, the LA Times is still convinced it is a frame up and coincidence.

    This is an openly corrupt organization, ACORN not the Times (the Times is naive and ideological), yet the fringe media still protects the corruption.

    "For 40 years, the community organizing group ACORN has been a strong and effective voice for low-income Americans. It has registered more than a million citizens to vote." There was massive fraud and millions are still being looked for by the Feds. As for the one million citizens "registered", we now know that a large number of ACORN registrations were frauds--yet the Times and the author of this piece say nothing.

    In a few days the circulation folks will make public the real circulation of the LA Times--any bet on how far it declined? This is a bankrupt newspaper, both finance wise and morally. To defend the corrupt ACORN shows the Times supports abuse of the electoral process and supports the corruption promoted by ACORN. In FIVE different cities ACORN promoted tax cheating, child sex slavery and prostitution--yet ACORN claims it is an anomaly--one city maybe, two, possible.

    But when you have FIVE offices around the country all promoting the same corruption, it is a national policy.

    Real reporters must be embarrassed by the Times open support of a corrupt organization like ACORN. Are you embarrassed, yet?


  • #2
    Such alliance with corruption has earned the LA Times its REAL name, the LA SLIMES!

