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Obama: The Real Abortion Fabrications

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  • Obama: The Real Abortion Fabrications

    Is there anybody, friend or foe, that would believe Barack Obama? Whether it is his lies about taxing the middle class, Gitmo, running troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan, health care, or being surrounded by honest people with American values?

    Like his mentors Frank Davis, Bill Ayres and Saul Alinsky, he believes the truth is not needed to govern. In fact, he believes telling the truth is a loser.

    "Barack Obama stood before a Planned Parenthood gathering and said, "In my mind, reproductive care is essential care."

    That was July 17, 2007, when he was a first term senator in an uphill battle for the Democratic presidential nomination, speaking about health care reform.

    "We're going to set up a public plan that all persons and all women can access if they don't have health insurance," candidate Obama continued. "It will be a plan that will provide all essential services, including reproductive services, as well as mental health services and disease management services, because part of our interest is to make sure that we're putting more money into preventive care."

    Was this a lie? Well, his voting record shows he loves abortion--as a State Senator he voted to allow partial birth abortions EVEN as the baby was being delivered.

    "On Aug. 19, President Obama told a coalition of faith leaders in a forum on Blog Talk Radio, "You've heard that this is all going to mean government funding of abortion. Not true. These are all fabrications that have been put out there in order to discourage people from meeting what I consider to be a core ethical and moral obligation. And that is that we look out for one another: That I am my brother's keeper and my sister's keeper. And in the wealthiest nation on earth right now, we are neglecting to live up to that call."

    Did he lie to Planned Parenthood or did he lie to the Ministers? Either way, he is a liar to one group or the other.

    Obama is as trustworthy as his mentors--folks proud to be liars. Pass this on, let folks know what they already know, Barack Obama can not be trusted.


  • #2
    Naturally Obama does not believe that the TRUTH is NEEDED to govern; look at how he STILL makes EVERY effort to HIDE his REAL origins!

