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Los Angeles Teachers Union: Absent from reform

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  • Los Angeles Teachers Union: Absent from reform

    Unions are not for reform. They can not be. If they were, we would have a better education system, run by classroom teachers, not union leaders.

    When the LA Times in an editorial notes what all of us already know, you know it must be bad. "It's easy to see why United Teachers Los Angeles doesn't like the new Public School Choice policy at L.A. Unified, which allows outside groups to apply to take over about 250 new or underperforming schools. Those groups are likely to include a large number of charter school operators that would hire their own teachers rather than sign a contract with the teachers union.

    What's less understandable is why UTLA would minimize its chances of keeping some of the schools within the district, along with their union jobs."

    But the Times is not upset that unions may have less unionized teachers, but that the union does need fight for MORE teachers forced to pay dues in order to teach.

    The Times has emotional problems--does it want better schools or does it want more revenues for unions? The headline implies it wants better schools, but the text implies it wants even more union control of failed government schools.

    What we need is to free the teachers from outside control. Government should not force people to pay bribes in order to work.
