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Over-Regulation Hurting All Californians

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  • Over-Regulation Hurting All Californians

    A study shows how bad tax policy and regulations are in California. "Perhaps even more alarming is that these regulations cost the state 3.8 million jobs." Think AB 32 is a good thing, just ask the unemployed

    This is why the current California Depression is not caused by greed fo corporations,but greed of government. Those who support the Nanny State, those who support AB 32 know that they are hurting families, but claim this is a "good thing" for society.

    In fact the results were known a year ago, and by omission the Governor lied to us. "The California report on the impact of regulations was actually completed a year ago, but its release was held up by the governor's

    Why did he refuse to release the study? Because he was preparing the biggest tax increases for a State in human history and did not want the people to have the facts. We were harmed because the Governor and others did not want us to have facts. Shame on those who with held the report.
