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Lend $10 Billion To Drill... Brazil?

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  • Lend $10 Billion To Drill... Brazil?

    Americans are losing their jobs and homes. We have extremely large oil off our shores and oil shale everywhere--in fact, New York has enough to supply all 50 states for 65 years--and the shale in Wyoming and Montana is even bigger.

    Yet, our Congress refuses to allow us to use our oil--because we do not want to "harm" our environment.

    But, Obama has no problem giving $10 billion of YOUR money to a socialist company, an oil company owned by the government of Brazil. Wonder if he would do this if the firm was privately owned? Just kidding, everybody knows that Obama believes in government and wants all of America to be owned and controlled by central government--the czars of the White House. Appropriate term.

    Maybe that $10 billion could be used in this country--especially since the Obama deficit is going to be $1.8 billion this fiscal year. In other words, he is borrowing the $10 billion to loan to Brazil.

    Drill off of our coasts. Do not loan money to socialist governments (that might stop loans to our government in Washington) and start paying off the deficit.

    Of course Obama is working hard to bankrupt us, but maybe the Blue Dogs realize he is taking them down the path of defeat.
