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Palin: Obama Lies About His Death Panels

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  • Palin: Obama Lies About His Death Panels

    Does Barack Obama know how to tell the truth? He called Sarah Palin a liar when she QUOTED from the House bill in regards to his "Death Panel" Just as Social Security taxes are "voluntary", if you are 65 or older, you will be hounded by a government agency telling you, you need to die, to save money for your children and grandchildren. This is the Richard Lamm provision, the former Democrat Governor of Colorado who said those over 65 have an obligation to die.

    "Now put this in context. These consultations are authorized whenever a Medicare recipients health changes significantly or when they enter a nursing home, and they are part of a bill whose stated purpose is to reduce the growth in health care spending. [5] Is it any wonder that senior citizens might view such consultations as attempts to convince them to help reduce health care costs by accepting minimal end-of-life care? As Charles Lane notes in the Washington Post, Section 1233 addresses compassionate goals in disconcerting proximity to fiscal ones.... If its all about obviating suffering, emotional or physical, whats it doing in a measure to bend the curve on health-care costs?

    Read this carefully, then send it to your friends, demand an answer from your Congress member and Senator. Bottom line, if they want this section in the Obamacare bill, then those who believe in life need to vote for someone else at the next election. If they want you to die, why vote for them. Obama tried to get away with another lie, that the AARP SUPPORTED this--they had to publicly call him a liar.

    Pass this along to your friends. They need to know not to trust a word Obama says and to protect their own lives, need to make sure their representatives vote NO.


  • #2
    Someone who lies about his TRUE origins will MORE than likely lie about OTHER issues as well! And so far, Obumma FITS this bill!


    • #3
      I can't believe anybody is using Sarah Palin to compare Pres. Obama with, that woman has to be the biggest empty shell on the block.

