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Romneycare Costs One Hospital $100 Million

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  • Romneycare Costs One Hospital $100 Million

    Mitt Romney created a universal health care program in Massachusetts. He is very proud of it.

    The cost? One hospital is going to lose $100 million next year--a couple more years and the hospital closes down.

    Why is this important? Because Obama is basing his health care plan on the Mitt Romney plan.

    The bottom line goal of Obama is to take over all the hospitals in the country. He does this the Romney way--by bankrupting them. Barack did this with banks and the auto industry, why not health care?

    Obama is a national socialist, someone who wants government to control the means of production--in this case, you very life. needs to end.

    We need Mitt Romney to come out and publicly admit his health care plan is a failure and needs to end. "The hospital, Boston Medical Center, faces a $38 million deficit for the fiscal year ending in September, its first loss in five years. The suit says the hospital will lose more than $100 million next year because the state has lowered Medicaid reimbursement rates and stopped paying Boston Medical reasonable costs for treating other poor patients.

    We filed this suit more in sorrow than in anger, said Elaine Ullian, the hospitals chief executive. We believe in health care reform to the bottom of our toes, but it was never, ever supposed to be financed on the backs of the poor, and thats what has happened in Massachusetts.

    Romenycare is financed on the back of the poor. Obamacare is the same, but with a twist, a guarantee of rationed health care and little care for the elderly or those just born. It is a death sentence, not an health care program.
