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AB 32: $50,000 Per Year Cost for CA Small Businesses

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  • AB 32: $50,000 Per Year Cost for CA Small Businesses

    Starting next year, the average small business will spend $50,000 per year to make Al Gore happy, and rich. At that time AB 32 will be fully in affect, and the jobless rate will skyrocket in California. And, revenues will go down. The meltdown of California will be complete.

    It does not matter, at all, if the Democrats, the Governor and the Republicans "balance" the budget tonight. By the end of the year, California businesses will be deep in debt trying to meet the needs of the Ludddites.

    How much will all this cost? "We conclude that when Californias climate change program is fully implemented, the annual average loss in gross state output from small businesses alone would be $182.6 billion, approximately a 10% loss in total gross state output, study authors Sanjay Varshney and Dennis Tootellian wrote on Fox&Hounds Daily web site."

    The good news is that these costs will only affect 99% of California businesses! "The study notes that small businesses, as defined by the U.S. Small Business Administration, are 99% of the states employers accounting for 52% of the states jobs and $1.1 trillion in revenues."

    Now you know why California is losing investors--they are not dumb.
