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Boxer: Maker Everyone Poor is My Goal, Helped by Al Gore

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  • Boxer: Maker Everyone Poor is My Goal, Helped by Al Gore

    Barbara Boxer wants to challenge Al Gore to be the chief scaremeister of America'. "If the Senate doesn't pass a bill to cut global warming, Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer says, there will be dire results: droughts, floods, fires, loss of species, damage to agriculture, worsening air pollution and more.

    All she has left out is locust and the killing of the first born (she supports the killing of as many babies as possible already).

    She does not mention that the bill gives billions of our money to China--where her fellow Democrat Dianne Feinstein and her husband are involved in massive investments.

    She does not mention that a similar program in England has raised the cost of energy for the average family by $1003 per year. Yet, in the midst of a government created depression, she wants families to go hungry.

    The bill supported by Boxer would force Americans to retrofit their homes, at the cost of tens of thousands of dollars, before they are allowed to sell their homes. Pass this bill and home values in the United States will plummet over night--killing more families and destroying the elderly--but, then she is very rich, it will not matter to her or Dianne.

    Shame on us for not laughing at this measure and just asking what is the punch line to this joke?
